A place where lazy bloggers can come and feel better about themselves. The rest of you are welcome too.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

An introduction to frou frou.

Frou frou is tea drunk from china teacups; perfume on silk scarves; decanters with silver labels; wearing florals and spots and stripes all at once; shiny vintage buttons; newborn babies wrapped in wool blankets; magpie collections of ribbon; rose petals on cream sponge; carefully handmade clothes worn with love.

Frou frou. I like it.

1 comment:

jblades said...

Megan, Nina is finally asleep and I am enjoying readign your blog site. Have you been to Martha's Pantry? Corner of Karo Drive and Cuba Street. Very frou frou I think. Beauthiful cupcakes. S